Best Digital Sales Room Software

Ultimate Guide [+ Free List of Top 15 Digital Sales Room Software]
Published by
July 16, 2024
Last modified on
August 5, 2024
Best Digital Sales Room Software
Explore the world of digital sales room software with our comprehensive guide, delving into its features, benefits, and best practices. From understanding the key functionalities to maximizing its potential for sales success, this article offers valuable insights and practical advice, and reviewed the 15 best digital sales room software for readers of all backgrounds looking to leverage this powerful tool in their business.

Summary table of 15 Digital Sales Room Software comparison

Buyerstage io
Market Segment
CRM integrations (Salesforce & HubSpot)
Top 3 capabilities
Best for
SMB to Mid-Market
Starts from $34 plan
  • Automated lead qualification
  • Sales Content management
  • Buyer analytics and reports
Small and midsize sales teams to handle buyer collaboration from Top of the funnel to deal closure.
SMB to Mid-Market
Starts from £36 plan
  • Content management
  • Proposals and quotes
  • Data insights and signals
Early-stage and midsize sales teams to manage their collaboration with buyers.
SMB to Mid-Market
Available in Enterprise plan
  • Customizable templates
  • Revenue intelligence
  • Buyer engagement analytics
Small and midsize sales teams to manage collaboration with buyers.
Available in Custom plans
  • Sales content management
  • Sales readiness, coaching and feedback
  • Video engagement analytics
Enterprise sales teams.
Get accept
SMB to Mid-Market
Starts from £69 plan
  • Sales content management
  • Proposals & Contracts
  • Configure, Price, Quote (CPQ)
Small and mid-size sales teams to manage buyer collaboration along with contract management.
Available in Custom plans
  • CPQ
  • Contract lifecycle management
  • Dealroom
Medium – large size sales teams who are looking for digital sales room solution along with CPQ solution.
SMB to Mid-Market
Starts from $59 plan
  • Content management
  • Sales order forms
  • Client portal
Small and mid-size sales teams to manage buyer collaboration along with contract management.
SMB to Mid-Market
Available in $125 plan
  • Document collaboration
  • Manage PoC's
  • Sales handoff
Mid-size sales teams to manage buyer collaboration, PoC’s and client onboarding
SMB to Mid-Market
Starts from $99 plan
  • Account planning
  • Playbook enforcement
  • Onboarding and activation
Small sales teams who focus on account planning, business cases, and MEDDPIC
Starts from $799 plan
  • Mutual action plan and collaboration
  • Salesmind AI (Predictive AI)
  • While labeled domain
Enterprise sales teams
SMB to Mid-Market
Available in Business & Enterprise plans
  • AI powered interactive content modules
  • Collaborative content hub
  • Inbuilt meeting scheduler
Small to midsize sales teams
Available in Custom plans
  • Engagement tracking
  • Proposal effectiveness reporting 

  • Integrations
Midsize sales teams
Enable us
Starts from $50 plan
  • Sales content management
  • eSignatures & Signable Document Templates
  • Customer reference management
Midsize and larger sales teams to manage both digital sales rooms and sales coaching effectiveness.
Starts from 59€ plan
  • Flexible microsites
  • CPQ
  • Prospect engagement insights
Larger sales teams to manage their end-to-end process from initial contact to customer onboarding.
SMB to Mid-Market
Starts from $150 plan
  • Content repository
  • E-signatures
  • Flowla AI
Small to midsize sales teams to handle their buyer engagement process and customer onboarding.

What is Digital Sales Room Software?  

Definition and purpose  

Digital sales room software is a centralized virtual space that salespeople share with the buyers during the sales process to regularly connect and collaborate in a single environment throughout the deal cycle. It acts as a single source of truth to share content, engage, and manage every action in the process between all the participating stakeholders in a more secure and organized way, unlike complex email threads and scattered chats.

Today, information is overloaded everywhere. Not only in the business-to-business (B2B) sector, but buyers are also encountering difficulties in selecting the appropriate product due to the abundance of information available during their purchase journey. On the other hand, sellers are struggling to tackle the modern buyer’s expectations with their traditional methodologies and tools. Digital sales rooms emerged as a solution to this problem.

A digital sales room software enables sellers to provide a seamless buyer experience through simplified content access and organizes all stakeholders in the process under one roof, ultimately leading to effective collaboration. The ability to efficiently collaborate is where most of the sellers are lagging with their traditional tools, and digital sales room software streamlines this to stand out from the crowd through delightful buyer experiences.  

Evolution and relevance in the digital age  

A decade ago, people referred to digital sales rooms as virtual deal rooms, primarily for organizing and sharing sales assets to guarantee effortless access and security during the file sharing process. Later, as user traction increased, it evolved to include additional relevant features such as video conferencing, multimedia support, contract management, and, most importantly, enhanced analytics to track every move made by the buyer.  

DSR started as a later-stage sales process tool, and now it has evolved to cover the whole end-to-end sales process. In today's digital age, characterized by hybrid and remote cultures, remote selling is a crucial aspect for any organization. To effectively orchestrate this process, digital sales rooms play a crucial role.

Key industries and use cases  

Digital sales rooms, unlike other tools, have no specific industry usage limitations. It spans across various industries like healthcare, manufacturing, finance, and technology companies. Different sectors are utilizing the DSR for various use cases because it provides a centralized, flexible environment, making it a strong asset for building relationships with their prospects and customers.  

Some of the key use cases that DSRs handle include centralized and secure document sharing, virtual demos, real-time engagement, organizing collaborative efforts between multiple stakeholders, orchestrating complex sales cycles with interactive mutual action plans (MAP), and ultimately onboarding the converted customers.  

Features of Digital Sales Room Software  

Interactive virtual tours  

Before making their initial contact with the sales team, buyers conduct their own independent research to gather as much information as possible from each vendor. According to a report from Gartner, only 17% of the total evaluation time is spent with potential suppliers. They simply don't want to spend their time reading static PDFs. They desperately want to experience the product through demo videos and interactive demo modules. Digital sales rooms offer a space where sellers can organize all their product demo videos mapped under specific use cases and integrate interactive demos in the relevant areas. This kind of organized presentation entices buyers to immediately engage and gives them a wholesome interactive experience to explore the product through organized modules.  

Customizable digital content libraries  

Customizable digital content libraries are content repositories where sales teams store and manage all their sales content under multiple content types, such as pdfs, links, ppts, demo videos, call recordings, and interactive demos, and share the relevant content with prospects at the right time. Sharing the same static PDFs with multiple prospects won't work at all in this modern sales era. These content libraries allow sellers to organize their assets and create sales collateral tailored to their buyers' specific needs and interests. With this, sellers can ensure a smooth, coherent experience and consistency in their messaging with the account they are dealing with. It also provides scalability, allowing sales teams from different geographies with increasing team sizes to easily access a standard environment for all their content needs.

Real-time analytics and reporting  

One of the major downsides of traditional sales tools like email chats and calls is their inefficiency in tracking the real-time engagements made by buyers. This data goldmine allows for the easy shaping of all subsequent decisions made in the later stages of the sale. Digital sales rooms function as trackable workspaces, recording every interaction between sellers and buyers.  

With these extracted buyer engagement insights, sales teams can easily make data-driven decisions instead of making any assumptions with their buyer accounts, improve their sales content efforts, and optimize their overall sales strategy. Simply put, analytics and real-time tracking help a lot to consolidate the time and efforts of sellers for high-potential buyers, rather than ending up with wasted efforts with low-intent buyers at the later stages of the sales cycle.  

Integration with CRM and other sales tools  

Every sales team has their own sales tech stack today, comprising various tools based on their use cases. Through seamless integrations, the digital sales room ensures a fluid fit with the tech stack. Integration with CRM systems like HubSpot, Salesforce, and other prominent CRMs provides uninterrupted data flow and automated real-time updates. It also helps to extract the attribution impact of every deal closure.  

Apart from this, DSRs provide comprehensive integration capabilities with various other needed tools under categories like content management, collaboration, and workflow. Through this, sellers can achieve enhanced productivity, a data-driven process, and highly personalized buyer experiences with the least amount of time and effort spent on every action.  

Benefits of Digital Sales Room Software  

Enhanced customer engagement and experience  

Current buyers are giving their attention only to customized experiences. Who wants to spend time on the same email or document among one in thousands of receivers? But creating a personalized experience is hard. Digital sales rooms provide a centralized platform and tools for creating interactive spaces with relevant content assets. Sellers can design their customized narration to meet every buyer’s specific needs through visually appealing presentations and provide instant value to the buyer's research by sharing relevant demo videos and interactive demos. With one centralized platform, sellers can showcase all types of sales assets tailored to the buyer's needs. This kind of organized presentation will entice buyers to engage in real-time and deliver a memorable buyer experience, unlike what they face in regular sales.  

Streamlined sales processes and shortened sales cycles  

Products that have a longer sales cycle are primarily due to two causes: complex products and the large number of stakeholders involved in the buying process. Sellers have no clue about how to reach the hidden stakeholders through emails alone. The digital sales room’s core notion is to showcase the product in a more simplified way through multiple visual assets and gather every stakeholder involved in the process under one roof. We can drastically reduce the sales cycle length by streamlining every step of the complex sales journey into a single linear flow through DSR and fostering better collaboration among all stakeholders.

Data-driven decision-making and personalized selling  

One of the foremost advantages of the digital sales room is its ability to track every action performed on the buyer's end. Traditional approaches and tools have major consequences due to their scattered nature and assumption-led executions. The digital sales room provides valuable data and insights on every buyer interaction, such as content engagement, time spent in the room, content sharings made, the number of stakeholders invited, browsing patterns, etc. With this data, sellers can extract actionable insights and make data-backed decisions to deliver their time and effort to buyers with high intent. Also, this data can be helpful in creating hyper-personalized content to target specific decision-makers in the buyer's team.  

Cost savings and environmental sustainability  

While most sales occur online, certain industries like manufacturing and large enterprises still conduct their sales offline. With virtual selling through digital sales rooms, sales teams can potentially reduce their travel costs in direct sales and save a lot of time and effort spent by the salespeople. In this dynamic hybrid and remote cultural operation, real-time selling is more complicated. Digital sales rooms simplify this process through effective content management, all of which have scalable and flexible capabilities that eliminate travel and real estate costs. On top of this, paperless operations help to grow a sustainable environment through reduced carbon footprints and energy conservation.  

Best Practices for Implementing Digital Sales Room Software  

Understanding your specific sales needs and goals  

Armed with a wide range of capabilities, digital sales rooms are solving various use cases, and teams are using them at different stages of sales based on their goals and priorities. Instead of approaching the DSR with the prevalent use cases, sales teams should first have a deep analysis of their sales process challenges. They should have clarity on aspects such as average sales cycle length, average contract value, buyers' needs, size, and the sales team's structure. According to an overview of these aspects, sales teams should arrive at specific outcomes and fix certain KPIs they want to achieve. With this broad understanding, it's straightforward for them to choose the right DSR that can seamlessly integrate with their existing workflow to drive the desired sales outcomes.  

Choosing the right software provider  

In today's crowded market, selecting the right product is not an easy task, and the digital sales room is no exception. To simplify the process, sales teams should identify their primary issues and assess the capabilities and team types that a specific DSR primarily serves. Some of the basic key factors to consider are usability, content management capabilities, collaboration tools, custom branding, security, analytics, scalability, integration, and customer support. In addition, depending on the size of the sales team, such as small teams in startups or teams in an enterprise organization, sellers should prioritize selecting a provider who specializes in serving their specific team segments.

Training and onboarding for sales teams  

To maximize the efficiency of a digital sales room, well-structured training and onboarding for sales teams are required to understand the nitty-gritty of a DSR. Adapting DSR to the existing workflow and methodologies will take some initial time. Gradual inclusion with proper guidance can help salespeople understand the functionalities better. We can implement this on a weekly basis, starting with the platform's introduction and gradually addressing the advanced features and their integration into their processes one by one. By providing sellers with the right supporting resources, a flexible learning environment, and a continuous feedback loop and monitoring, they can easily grasp the knowledge and equip the DSR in the right way to extract the maximum benefits out of it.  

Implementing digital sales rooms is not a one-time setup and forget kind of work. The buyer's preference and the way they are interacting always change, and sales strategies should change accordingly. To maintain a competitive advantage, it is essential to have continuous improvement, adapting to market changes every quarter. We can make continuous optimization and improvements by regularly analyzing the sales engagement data in the DSR, gathering feedback, and aligning with sales team inputs. We should regularly monitor external market trends, such as the content format buyers highly prefer, their generic buying behavioral patterns, and other emerging technologies. By consistently approaching and reflecting in this way, organizations can maintain their extra edge in dynamic markets and deliver exceptional experiences to buyers through DSRs.  

Best Digital Sales Room Software Reviewed (15 Players):

1. Buyerstage

Buyerstage is a comprehensive buyer enablement platform that provides a digital sales room solution to create an engaging buying experience for more successful collaborations and conversions. Buyerstage places significant emphasis on driving success at every stage of the funnel, encompassing the entire process from discovery to deal closures.

Sellers can automate lead qualification, plan the deal cycle with interactive mutual action plans, organize their sales assets in the repository, and stay informed with engagement analytics. To streamline the sales process, Buyerstage provides seamless integrations with CRMs and other popular workflow tools to efficiently manage the sales tech stack.



  • Free plan – 30-day free trial available✅ (Limitations- 3 Rooms per user per month, Unlimited users)

Paid plans  

  • Growth - $20/user/month
  • Premium - $34/user/month
  • Enterprise - $69/user/month

Best for:

Small and midsize sales teams who are looking for a centralized collaborative space to manage all their funnel activities, from automating lead qualification, discovery, buyer collaboration to deal closures.  

Top Pros:

  • I love this product so much: Buyerstage – providing a Digital Sales Room (DSR) and Mutual Action Plan (MAP) making the sales process so much streamlined for the buyer.
  • Buyerstage offers extensive data and analytics that provide a comprehensive insight into your buyers/customers right at your fingertips.
  • Buyerstage is an all-in-one platform that provides different touchpoints at each stage of the entire sales funnel, allowing you to significantly shorten your sales cycle.

Top Cons:

  • When the room is overloaded with a lot of content, sometimes it may take a bit to load.  

Key features:

  • Mutual action plan  
  • Automated lead qualification
  • Automated discovery
  • Sales content management
  • Stakeholder mapping
  • Analytics and reports
  • Customer onboarding

2. Trumpet

Trumpet is one of the most widely used digital sales room software programs that provides collaborative, personalized microsites to close deals faster. Using an intuitive interface, sellers can quickly create customized, trackable rooms that manage all stages from discovery to deal closure and customer onboarding.  

Trumpet describes these trackable rooms as 'pods' that sellers can customize and share with their buyers. Furthermore, the tool provides extensive features like mutual action plans, video recording, content management, and e-signatures to cover the end-to-end sales process all under one roof.



  • Free plan - Available✅ (Limitations- 10 rooms/account)

Paid plans  

  • Pro - £29/user/month
  • Scale - £60/user/month
  • Enterprise - £100/user/month

Best for:

Early-stage sales teams to manage their collaboration with buyers.  

Top pros (from G2):

  • The ability to hold everything in one place.
  • Ease of use. Professional image with customers branding
  • There is a huge number of different objects you can add to the pod.

Top Cons (from G2):

  • Certain UX aspects are maybe not as intuitive as they could be.
  • At times the usability can be quite clunky.
  • The one feature I do wish was more in depth is the analytics on pages.

Key features:

  • Mutual action plan
  • Content management
  • Custom URL
  • E-signatures
  • Proposals and quotes
  • Data insights and signals

3. Aligned

Aligned is a prominent player in the digital sales room space, providing a collaborative platform where sellers and buyers carry forward their complex deal cycles in one centralized space. It helps to orchestrate the whole deal cycle through a powerful mutual action plan, consolidating all content and engagement between buyers and sellers in one space. Moreover, Aligned offers seamless integration with CRMs and other third-party tools, enabling sellers to manage the entire sales journey in a more organized manner, thereby enhancing their productivity.



  • Free plan - Available✅ (Limitations- 3 rooms/seat)

Paid plans

  • Basic - $29/seat/month
  • Pro - $49/seat/month
  • Enterprise – Talk to sales

Best for:

Ideal for new users to explore the capabilities of a digital sales room for their use cases.

Top pros (from G2):

  • Aligned is simple to use and navigate thanks to its straightforward design and user-friendly interface.
  • Access to behind-the-scenes data help you comprehend buyers' purpose and where they are in the sales process
  • Quick and simple setup for additional rooms. cooperative approach.

Top cons (from G2):

  • Aligned's flexibility and ease of use make it a good choice for newcomers even with its bugs
  • fully configuring and integrating with existing systems took some time and effort during the initial setup phase.
  • A disadvantage that I encountered was the infrequent blocking or the slow loading of large files.

Key features:

  • Mutual action plan
  • Customizable templates
  • Aligned AI
  • Buyer engagement analytics
  • Customer success hub
  • Revenue intelligence

4. Allego

Allego is a comprehensive sales enablement platform that offers multiple modules like sales content management, sales coaching, and conversation intelligence, of which the digital sales room is one of the key components. It provides a centralized hub to curate and organize the sales content that enables sellers to offer a personalized buyer experience. One of the standout features is the asynchronous video communication in the digital sales room to share feedback. Apart from this, they offer AI-powered coaching, which helps to effectively onboard and train the salespeople.



  • Free plan – Not available❌
  • Paid plans – Pricing undisclosed

Best for:

Enterprise sales team that needs a comprehensive suite to manage their sales coaching process and buyer collaboration in one platform.  

Top pros (from G2):

  • Helps to connect team members in a digital sales world both internally and externally.
  • A single platform that can house information from multiple different modalities ie PDFs, videos, documents and articles.
  • The ability to store content, as well as share that content and be able to track who's looking at it is my favorite feature on Allego.

Top cons (from G2):

  • Some integration and customization need to be done by the Allego team and cannot be done by the admin of the system.
  • The search function can give confusing results.
  • I sometimes feel as if the interface could be a bit modernized.

Key features:

  • Sales content management
  • Sales readiness, coaching and feedback
  • Video engagement analytics
  • Conversation intelligence

5. GetAccept

GetAccept is a comprehensive platform that comprises a digital sales room (aka deal room) and contract management capabilities to streamline the end-to-end sales process, from buyer engagement to contract signing. Deal rooms allow sellers to engage with buyers through collaborative spaces where they can share content, engage, track, and negotiate. The contract management feature allows salespeople to create proposals and branded contracts from smart templates in less time, and electronic signatures ensure a secure document signing process.



  • Free plan - Available✅ (14-day free trial)

Paid plans

  • Professional - $79 per user/month
  • Enterprise – Talk to sales

Best for:

Small and mid-size sales teams, who want a single platform to manage buyer collaboration, contract management and customer onboarding process.  

Top pros (from G2):

  • GA helps make the difference also when we send a proposal with the video feature, that adds a personal and friendly touch.
  • Easy and quick tool for signing contracts and keeping customer info.
  • Nice layout that gives a professional expression to our customers.

Top cons (from G2):

  • New users face difficulties in adapting to the features.  
  • The reporting feature is quite complex to overview.  
  • The dealboard can be a bit confusing - there needs to be more explanation about the different stages.

Key features:

  • Sales content management
  • Proposals & Contracts
  • Configure, Price, Quote (CPQ)
  • Electronic Signatures
  • Tracking & Analytics

6. Dealhub

Dealhub is a quote-to-revenue solution for the sales teams, which helps to seamlessly manage the complex pricing and deployment process. Dealhub offers digital sales room in name of feature called 'dealroom' as part of the CPQ platform, that helps to manage and centralize the buyer-seller communication, deal related content along with integration options with leading CRMs and other tools.



  • Free plan – not available❌
  • Paid plans - Undisclosed

Best for:

Medium – large size sales teams who are looking for digital sales room solution along with CPQ, CLM, billing management platform.  

Top pros (from G2):

  • Dealrooms have helped put a professional polish on the "contract signing" step in our sales process, and the generated PDF quotes have ensured our written contracts are consistent and clean.
  • DealHub strikes the perfect balance of being infinitely customizable to accommodate complex use caess and flexibility in the quoting and proposal process, all while integrating tightly wtih SFDC.

Top cons (from G2):

  • Some features that would be really nice to have but do not currently exist within Dealhub would be the ability to live edit a Dealroom or the addition of more robust reporting and filtering on the approvals page.
  • The implementation process was long and difficult. The back end software is pretty dated and not very intuitive.
  • I would like more flexibility in managing playbooks.

Key features:

  • CPQ
  • Billing
  • Contract lifecycle management
  • Subscription management
  • Dealroom

7. Dock

Dock provides a collaborative client-facing workspace that has a package of features like a content library, order forms, and e-signatures to manage your end-to-end sales process. They categorize their modules under the following categories: sales deal room, customer onboarding, and client portal, where they cover all stages of the customer journey: sales, onboarding, and renewal.



  • Free plan - Available✅ (Limitations – 5 workspaces)

Paid plans

  • Starter - $49/user/month
  • Growth - $59/user/month
  • Enterprise – Talk to sales

Best for:

Small to mid-size sales teams who are giving preference to a comprehensive platform that covers sales, onboarding, contract management and renewal processes.  

Top pros (from G2):

  • User-friendly interface and customizable workspaces that streamline project management.
  • It's completely customizable, allowing me to set up the perfect experience for any type of client or project
  • Really easy to use, and straightforward for our prospects as well.

Top cons (from G2):

  • Sometimes the formatting of setting up a section within a workspace can be a slight challenge.
  • Features such as sections in workspaces break often, pricing cards don't load properly

Key features:

  • Content management
  • Sales order forms
  • Client portal
  • Client project management
  • Customer onboarding

8. Recapped

Recapped is a digital sales room solution that creates centralized, customizable deal pages to guide buyers through the sales cycle. With easy content sharing and collaboration capabilities, it helps facilitate engagement with multiple stakeholders in a single, organized environment. Further, they provide capabilities to manage POCs, sales handoffs, and onboarding clients.



  • Free plan - Available✅ (Limitations – 5 workspaces)

Paid plans

  • Professional - $85/user/month
  • Business - $125/user/month

Best for:

  • Mid-size sales teams to manage buyer collaboration, PoC’s and client onboarding.  

Top pros (from G2):

  • is super easy to use and their support team is always there when you need them.
  • Streamlined and easy to see all of our resources and conversations. Easy to collaborate with clients.
  • Super helpful to be able to upload content and keep a mutual timeline in one place.

Top cons (from G2):

  • I wish it was easier to navigate. The UI needs an update.
  • It can take a lot of time to customize your templates early on. There are lots of options and file types so you can get lost in the weeds trying to make things perfect.
  • Would love to see more visibility around the other users that are also sharing a template or working off of the same template.

Key features:

  • Mutual action plan
  • Document collaboration
  • Manage PoC's
  • Sales handoff
  • Client onboarding

9. Accord

Accord is a deal execution platform that provides various capabilities for managing the deal cycle, from evaluation to activation stages. It includes mutal action plans, account planning, sales content management, and onboarding and activation modules. In a nutshell, accord aims to provide a coherent experience for the buyers in deal execution and increased productivity for the sellers.



  • Free plan - Available✅ (Limitations –1 user)

Paid plans

  • Startup - $99/user/month + platform fee
  • Growth - $119/user/month + platform fee
  • Enterprise – Custom plan

Best for:

Small sales teams who focus on account planning, business cases, and MEDDPIC.

Top pros (from G2):

  • The ease of use when adding stages in for accounts.
  • Easy to create summary pages make revisiting and validating challenges and previous conversations easy.
  • It helps me hold clients accountable for completing action items throughout their onboarding process

Top cons (from G2):

  • I wish it had some more features, like the ability to search for steps and see who checked off a step or viewed the step and the materials within that step.
  • Mobile user experience could be better and more seamless.
  • Sometimes UI can be a bit finnicky.

Key features:

  • Account planning
  • Playbook enforcement
  • Onboarding and activation
  • Sales content management

10. Dealpad

Dealpad is a digital sales room platform that helps B2B sellers identify stakeholders and interact with the buying team in a unified setting. It’s a typical buyer enablement platform that aims to decrease the sales cycle length and increase win rates by enabling buyers through content sharing and consistent engagement.



  • Free plan – Not available❌

Paid plans

  • Small sales teams - $499 / month (Up to 3 seats)
  • Growing sales teams - $799 / month (Up to 7 seats)
  • Large sales teams - $2999 / month (8+ seats)

Best for:

Enterprise sales teams looking for custom CRM integration, white labeled domain and AI capabilities to improve customer experience and engagement.

Top pros (from G2):

  • The collaborative nature of dealpad brings that crucial information to the forefront.
  • We liked Dealpad because we could bring our buying stakeholders into it and run a joint process with them.
  • The AI deal score is something I hadn't seen before and was one of the main reasons for us switching to Dealpad.

Top cons (from G2):

  • It would be nice to have more integrations and a signatory tool that would help us consolidate siloed tools we use into one tool.
  • Looking forward to DealPad adding more integrations into the tools we use.
  • Weak analytics - could certainly do more here to help us become more data driven.

Key features:

  • Mutual action plan and collaboration
  • Salesmind AI (Predictive AI)
  • While labeled domain
  • Integration


11. Relayto

Relayto is an interactive experience platform that enables sellers to create personalized and interactive web content to engage prospects. The core aspect on which they are focusing is converting static documents into captivating interactive journeys. Provided with multi-content support and tools, along with security features, Relayto empowers sellers to deliver engaging experiences and extract insights by tracking buyer interactions through their analytics to drive sales success.  



  • Free plan – Available✅ (Only 1 user, up to 5 experiences)

Paid plans

  • Pro - $65 / month (Only 1 user, up to 20 experiences)
  • Team - $800 / month (5 users, 50 experiences)
  • Business – $2700 / month (10 users, 250 experiences)
  • Enterprise – Talk to sales

Best for:

Small to midsize teams who want to transition from static content assets to delivering multimedia content to their prospects.  

Top pros (from G2):

  • I like how easily you can turn a website, pdf or other document into an interactive presentation.
  • Collaborative features are good and user friendly.
  • It helps to create all the interactive and engaging content in different formats.

Top cons (from G2):

  • The initial learning curve might be difficult for the first-time user.
  • Exploring it at first is a bit tricky for someone with less experience.
  • I was frustrated that I couldn't add a page natively and had to keep editing an external document and uploading it as I built my presentation.

Key features:

  • AI powered interactive content modules
  • Collaborative content hub
  • Inbuilt meeting scheduler

12. Along

Along positions itself as a collaborative workspace (virtual desk) where sellers and every stakeholder in the buyers’ team connect at one common interface to tackle complex B2B sales. Like any other digital sales room, it uses the mutual action plan as a guided task list to pass on information about the deal between the participants. Apart from tracking buyer engagement through analytics features, it also helps managers track the performance of their sales reps and leverage the data to improve their sales performance.



  • Free plan – Not available❌
  • Paid plans - Undisclosed

Best for:

Midsize sales teams looking for a platform to deliver buyer experience and track activities and performance on both sellers and buyers’ end.  

Top pros (from G2):

  • Full control over the customer's sales journey. User-friendly interface and control over all stages of working with a person.
  • Very helpful, setup in no time, nice overview for product demos and very easy to use.
  • Along has revolutionized our sales and onboarding processes, cutting onboarding times by 50%.

Top cons (from G2):

  • I am not able to white lable it.
  • Would like more options in designing the Along Spaces to increase the experience of our customers.
  • It still takes time to explain our target customer what Along is as the concept is still new to many.

Key features:

  • Engagement tracking
  • Proposal effectiveness reporting
  • Integrations

13. Enable us

Enable Us positions itself as an all-in-one seller and buyer enablement platform that offers a digital sales room solution to craft digital buying experiences and close deals faster. It helps sellers curate and organize all relevant sales content in one place, as well as create mutual action plans to guide buyers. They also provide a customer reference management system where sellers can easily request video, audio, or text-based feedback from their customers inside the rooms and easily approve and share the collection.

Enable us


  • Free plan – Not available❌

Paid plans  

  • Starter - $25/ user / month (Up to 5 user licenses only)
  • Growth - $50 / user / month (Up to 30 user licenses only)
  • Revenue productivity plan – Talk to sales

Best for:

Midsize and larger sales teams who are looking for a single platform to manage both digital sales rooms and sales coaching effectiveness.  

Top pros (from G2):

  • I like the Digital Sales Rooms & Resource/Content Library. Ease of Use.
  • Easy to use, gives insights into content usage, has everything a team would need in a deal room.
  • The most helpful thing about Mindtickle is being able to quickly and efficiently get proposals out the door with a proven template.

Top cons (from G2):

  • I'm not a huge fan of the UI experience - it feels like is older looking, sometimes difficult to navigate/find what you need.
  • It would be great if it could be deeply integrated with CRMs.
  • Sometimes the UI can be a little cumbersome when formatting a room.

Key features:

  • Mutual action plan
  • Sales content management
  • eSignatures & Signable Document Templates
  • Customer reference management
  • Seller and buyer insights

14. Valuecase

Valuecase offers a comprehensive digital sales solution to organize the sales process via mutual action plans and content repositories. Valuecase assists in managing the entire sales process, from engaging buyers through contract management using CPQ to onboarding customers, all within collaborative journey spaces.



  • Free plan – Available✅ (14-day free trial)

Paid plans  

  • Growth - 59€ /user / month (min 5 users)
  • Enterprise – Talk to sales

Best for:

Larger sales teams who want to orchestrate their end-to-end sales process from initial contact to customer onboarding.

Top pros (from G2):

  • Valuecase is super easy setup and has a really nice UI, it's very customizable and the hubspot integration makes the day-to-day usage super smooth, amazing support.
  • Simple to use, with a clean structure and design while having all sales assets in one place.
  • The ability to create customised spaces for customers to access relevant/important content in a single location.

Top cons (from G2):

  • I would have liked to get more insights / get a deeper understanding of how our prospects interacted with the page.
  • Sometimes I find the customization options a little limited and I find myself seeking more freedom in designing the page.
  • Sometimes I wish there were a few more features.

Key features:

  • Flexible microsites
  • Mutual action plans
  • CPQ
  • Prospect engagement insights
  • Integrations

15. Flowla

Flowla is a personalized, custom-branded collaborative platform that helps to streamline the collaboration between buyers and sellers in the deal cycle and simplifies the customer onboarding and implementation process. They term their rooms as "flows," where sellers can customize them for each buyer, prepare mutual action plans, upload all the necessary sales assets, and gather all the stakeholders to engage in a single workspace. With analytics, sellers can get detailed insights on buyer behavior from the flows they've shared.



Free plan – Available✅ (Limitations - 5 flows per organisation)

Paid plans  

Professional - $120 / month (includes 3 seats. $49/mo/seat for additional seats)

Team - $320 / month (includes 5 seats. $64/mo/seat for additional seats)

Best for:

Small to midsize sales teams looking for a digital sales room solution to handle their buyer engagement process and improve customer onboarding experience.

Top pros (from G2):

  • The platform allow us to break down complex tasks into manageable steps, ensuring nothing falls through the cracks when collaborating with others.
  • Seamless integration with the tools our team is used to using, as well as our CRM.
  • Flowla allows us to centralize and consolidate all our client-related materials like documents, presentations, and other interactive content like website pages in a single, accessible hub.

Top cons (from G2):

  • Maybe the Flowla AI could have more sophisticated capabilities.
  • I wish there were more design customization options in the flow.
  • We really would like their CRM integration to be more robust.

Key features:

  • Mutual action plans
  • Content repository
  • Revenue intelligence
  • E-signatures
  • Flowla AI

Tips for Maximizing the Potential of Digital Sales Room Software  

Leveraging multimedia content for impactful presentations  

Buyers were sick of texts and static, boring presentations all around. They want to experience and taste the product's capabilities on their own, either through concise demo videos or guided interactive tours. The biggest challenge in traditional tool usage is its compatibility with different content types and limitations when sharing large files. In a digital sales room environment, you can craft the room with your own set of desired content pieces in an organized order, irrespective of the file size and content type. Try to maximize this multimedia support by including a variety of content types that are relevant to your buyers.

Utilizing data insights for targeted sales strategies  

By leveraging the insights from digital sales room analytics, sales teams can gain a deep understanding of buyer behavior and tailor their sales efforts. Monitoring the datapoints, like content engagement metrics, sales cycle analysis, stakeholders' participation in the deal cycle, etc., will help sales teams improvise their efforts. Sales teams can proactively engage, hyper personalize their content assets based on buyers' preferences, and easily classify and segment their buyers to allocate their efforts more effectively. This could help to sharpen the targeted sales approach, which gives an extra edge among competitors in winning deals.  

Integrating virtual sales rooms with omnichannel marketing efforts  

The omnichannel marketing approach became the new normal and necessity for today's organizations to obtain maximum reach in their market segment. A coherent, connected experience across all touch points is the core aspect of any omnichannel strategy. Incorporating digital sales rooms into omnichannel efforts can maximize their impact. By integrating virtual sales rooms with other mediums, buyers will have a unified flow and an enhanced buying experience when they are researching or purchasing from a vendor. Including virtual sales rooms at the relevant touch points in the journey can significantly help buyers make decisions faster and move forward in the conversion process.  

Engaging with prospects and clients through interactive features  

Even though the market is crowded, and buyers receive multiple suggestions on their radar, they always pay some extra attention to interactive content. Interactive features and content help buyers get a near-real-time, immersive experience of product usage, and it's more engaging and fun to consider in comparison to a 50-page document. Simply put, it saves a huge chunk of time and effort in their self-paced research process. This allows sellers to foster strong connections with their prospects and deliver memorable experiences. At the end of the day, interactive elements have a high impact on making decisions faster because of high engagement, which ultimately leads to reducing the sales cycle length.  

Advancements in virtual and augmented reality technology  

Technologies are rapidly advancing towards virtual reality and augmented reality experiences. Advancements in these kinds of technologies will have a big impact on the future of digital sales rooms. As buyers embrace interactive content in their purchase journey, we can leverage VR and AR to create immersive experiences that allow them to navigate interactive product visualizations at their own pace. This will enhance their engagement by going through the product in a new way, like never before.  

AI-powered sales assistants and predictive analytics  

AI co-pilots have already begun to emerge among the sellers. In today's sales environment, with an abundance of data and complex dynamics, salespeople often require precise data at the right moment to effectively navigate through calls. AI-powered sales assistants are significantly contributing to this by offering automated responses, intelligent recommendations, and a conversational AI interface.  

This allows sellers to concentrate on their actual selling, while the AI sales assistants handle the rest using the relevant data. Sellers can more accurately predict the probability of deal closures when they track and capture more buyer engagement data. With a complete track record of buyer interactions from their first touch point to the ongoing stages, predictive models can easily forecast the deal cycle and recommend optimum strategies and insights to take the right actions with every buyer.  

Seamless omnichannel integration for unified customer experiences  

Digital sales rooms are going to be the central hub for marketing and sales processes. The omnichannel approach has become paramount today to deliver a coherent, connected experience to customers. With their centralized nature, digital sales rooms easily fit into the tech stack and help to unify multiple channels. Sellers can seamlessly provide connected buyer experiences and ensure consistent branding and messaging across all touch points in the buyer journey, ultimately driving more engagement on the buyer's end.


A recap of the benefits and best practices  

Overall, digital sales rooms are collaborative spaces to uncomplicate a large part of complex sales happenings, mainly due to the scattered and unorganized process. DSRs eliminate multiple inefficient tools by providing a centralized platform to handle various tasks. On the top level, the compiled benefits are enhanced collaboration, streamlined communication, security and convenience, improved efficiency, and ultimately accelerating the deal cycles. Some of the best practices to extract the maximum benefits out of a digital sales room are offering a personalized buyer experience, engaging every stakeholder in the buying committee, establishing a clear roadmap, analyzing buyer interactions, making data-driven decisions, and integrating with the overall sales workflow.  

Final thoughts on the future of sales in the digital era  

Gartner predicts that by 2025, digital mediums will account for 80% of B2B sales, making digital sales rooms essential for any organization to maintain competitiveness. Buyers are no longer ready to spend time and effort on multiple sales calls. They believe in their self-research process, and it’s going to always be there. However, the sales tech stack is flooded with a plethora of tools and AI capabilities.  

It is essential to leverage the right tools, but it won't happen in the right way without organized effort and proper integrations in the workflow. The digital sales room is an effective orchestrating tool to organize multiple efforts in one place, all while tracking every action. Therefore, it is imperative to utilize digital sales rooms in this era of data and artificial intelligence to enhance the efficiency and security of the sales process, and most importantly, to empower buyers to self-service.

Orchestrate your sales and enable your buyers with Buyerstage  

Change the way you engage with your buyers. Embrace the power of Buyerstage's digital sales room to  

  • Mutually plan every step of the deal cycle.  
  • Craft unique, personalized buyer experiences.  
  • Engage every stakeholder in the buyer's team.  
  • Track every buyer interaction.  
  • Gain data-driven insights to target potential buyers.  

Want to know more insights or need any specific recommendations? Explore how you can elevate your sales game by signing up Buyerstage for free or book a quick demo with us. If you want to explore a digital sales room live demo at your own pace, you can also play around here with a live digital sales room at your convenience.

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